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The Committed Team

Hire an expert from us!


  • Part-Time/Contract Based

  • Full Time

  • On-Demand Based

Our model of a committed team stands out as a favored engagement approach among US, European, and UAE clients who need software testing services. It is the same for software development, too. The ones who are looking to utilize more testing resources for a project gain help from this team model without the burden of adding more permanent team members. Also when there is a lack of experts, then this model helps them to fulfill the knowledge gap without allocating a learning curve to the existing team members.


These two points themselves depict how cost-effective the model is.


The client can directly manage this team while viTesters oversee progress and provide the required resources to achieve the desired outcomes. 


There are many key benefits of this model apart from cost savings. The team consists of senior testers. Therefore, their commitment, visibility of work, a better output are some key things that you cannot gain within a short period from the job seekers. 

A brief idea about our team is;


They are

  • Cost deductors of your organization

  • Helpers for the existing team 

  • Armed with industry experience

  • Temporary staff of your organization (If not full time)

  • Not learning curves seekers

  • Fully integrated into all project activities

When do you want our team?

  • When you need operational cost-cutting by avoiding more and more responsibilities

  • When you need a temporary staff

  • When you are in a rush and need to accelerate testing

  • When you cannot handle QA responsibilities

  • When you are working on a rapidly changing project industry

  • When you need additional resources in unexpected project circumstances

  • When you need the support of seniors within a short period

This is how it goes with 4 steps


Give us your need and project requirement


You can interview them if you wish


We select the relevant expert(s) from our pool


The chosen candidate will be hired for you in accordance with legal procedures

Why viTesters?

  • Cost-effective - No more additional charges. You don't need to worry about salary packages

  • Seniors in a short period - Seniors' movement from one to another takes time with their notice period. But with us, we have an on-demand-based team

  • Data protection - You don't need to worry about the confidential information. We go with NDAs

  • Easy management - Special procedures for our members are not required

  • Visibility of work - We communicate the progress of the work via fortnight or weekly status updates, daily standups, or according to your communication channels/procedures

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